Vivian Minari Jivo


Vivian Minari Jivo
b. c1955 Monrur raje, Asafa village
Jovore, Visue ane, Siahe
81 x 97 cm
$3,490 (framed only)
Jovore – a type of dragon fly which hovers above pools and slow moving water. It is a strange squarish shape. Visue ane is fish teeth and siahe is the triangular shape with various meanings most commonly – mountains and or the hornbill beak.
Vivian is one of two old senior painters from Asafa who teaches younger women how to paint, especially now that the most senior artist Jean Margaret is going blind.

Vivian Minari Jivo
b. c1955 Monrur raje, Asafa village
Visue ane, Bubori ane, sabuahe, GuojajeSiahe
77 x 152 cm
This work is a detailed combination of many Omie design elements including in order as above fish teeth, hornbill bird teeth,a bat found on dry trees, and the feather of the white cockatoo. These are common design elements inherited from the ancestors used in nioge painting.